Davenport Chiropractor :: Dr. Torry J. Slawson
Dr. Torry Slawson,
Davenport Chiropractor
Chiropractic Found Me
I didn’t experience a miracle, but I’ve seen them happen.
If you talk to a lot of chiropractors today they will have a story of how chiropractic helped them personally. That’s what made them become a doctor of chiropractic. Although chiropractic did not help me with a serious personal problem, I am grateful for the series of events that guided me on the path to chiropractic.
Growing up I was much like many are today. I didn’t know what chiropractic was. Sure, being from this area, I heard of it. Was even “adjusted” a couple of times. It wasn’t till I started to become a chiropractor that I actually started to understand the reality of the impact that a chiropractic adjustment can have on a person’s life.
I have always had an understanding that we, as humans, should stay as natural as possible. We should eat right, exercise, stay flexible, etc. Because of that belief I spent many years training people and helping them get in shape while also working for UPS. One day while in my sixth or seventh year at UPS, a soon to be good friend and current student at Palmer College of Chiropractic, over heard me talking about my future. I was fed up with UPS and was looking for a new path. He convinced me that I was practically a chiropractor based on what he over heard me saying. That my ideas and philosophies were right in line with chiropractic. Because of that two or three minute conversation I am a chiropractor today. I’m so glad chiropractic found me.
Chiropractic Education and Chiropractic Sports Physician Training
I attended Palmer College of Chiropractic for two main reasons. One: I was born and raised here in Davenport. A lucky coincidence that the best chiropractic college is in my home town, and Two: I have already stated, It is “the best chiropractic college” in the world. I also continued my education as a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) by studying to be a Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician (CCSP). This required an additional 100 hr of study and equips me to handle more than neck and back pains.
Chiropractic Practice Philosophy
My practice philosophy is simple. I want to help people get well, not just pain free. This is done by simply caring. True wellness is not just about pain (symptoms). Its about having tools to get well and stay well. Many times symptoms come along because there is an underlying problem that causes them. The chiropractic adjustment helps to remove the symptoms, by removing interference in nerve flow, usually the root of the problem. Then I offer patient ways to be proactive to try to keep symptoms from returning. This is done through things like, stretching, exercises, and diet. Chiropractic combined with these three things help people get back to real health not just pain free (symptomless).
Family and Hobbies
I am very blessed to have the family I have. I have a beautiful wife, Tricia, who I met the summer before high school at the mall. I guess that makes us pre-high school sweethearts. Together we have two beautiful and intelligent boys, Torry and Tevin. Due to being nine years apart, both boys are unique and have their own personalities and yet there is a similarity about them that people can tell they are brothers. I love to spend time with the family no matter what we are doing. Did I mention I am very blessed to have the family I have.
Enough about me! How can we help you with today’s safe and natural chiropractic care? I hope to get the opportunity, and I look forward to meeting you in person to learn how we may be of service to you. Contact our Davenport chiropractic office so we can help you take your first step towards better health, and “Live Well Through Chiropractic”.